(February, 2000)
- Stamp exhibition
LITHUANIA '99. p.2
- New Lithuanian
post tariffs. p.3
- A variety
of the Vytautas 25 litai. By V.Doniela. p.3
variety. By A. Burkus. p.4
- Bysected Lithuanian
stamp. By S. Williams. p.4
- The birth
of a unique stamp. By V. Doniela. p.5
LEONE. By A. Marcinkevičius. p.6
- Lithuanian
perfin - some more information. By Z. Žebrauskas and others. p.6
- National Assambly
issue, 1920 (continued from #21). By A. Jankauskas. p.8
- Cancel "Kražiai".
By A. Burkus. p.13
- At the Tampa
Bay philatelic society. By R. Yankowski. p.13
- Lithuanian
phone cards. p.14
- News from
Lithuania. p.16
- Plate error
of 60 ct. Vaitkus issue. By A. Jankauskas. p.17
- Plate error
of 25 ct surcharge on 10 auksinas. By A. Jankauskas. p.17
- Lithuanian
theme in auctions. p.18
- Personal advertisements.
- Different
advertisements. p.34
- Lithuanian
post office cancels '99. p.36