(June, 2000)
- New issues
of the Lithuanian Post Office
- Lithuanian
Post Office plan for 2001
- ow Lithuania
is presented in the new Stanley Gibbons? By P. Cerskis
- The new cancel
in Klaipeda. By R. Vainora
- Personal stamps
in Switzerland. By D Butkus
- The perfins
story: continued. By V. Doniela (Australia)
Penhryn island. By R. Vainora
- German philatelist
monography about Lithuanian Scouting Philately. By L. Verzbolauskas
- "Akmene"
cancel story. By A. Burkus
- The opening
of the Lithuanian consulate in Palm Beach, Florida. By R. Yankowski (USA)
- National Assambly
issue, 1920 (continued from #21, #22). By Antanas Jankauskas
- Plate error
of 100 auksinas. By E. Uzpuras
- Lithuanian
theme in German auctions
- Personal advertisements
- Different