(October, 2000)
- News from Lithuanian Post office. p.2
- What's new in the Michel catalogue? By R. Satkauskas (Lithuania). p.4
- Prison censor cachets. By A. Burkus (Lithuania). p.6
- My "personal" stamps. By A. Supronas (Canada) p.8
- Cachets of field post offices. By A. Preiksa (Lithuania). p.9
- Pakape cancel. By A. Burkus (Lithuania). p. 12
- Lituanica - Monaco By R. Vainora (Lithuania). p.13
- Unknown "typeset"? By A. Poliakovas (Lithuania). p.13
- Stamp exhibition LITHPEX XXVIII. By Lou Merkys (USA). p.14
- Plate error of SC # 288. By A. Jankauskas (Lithuania). p.15
- Stamp exhibition in Vilnius. p.16
- Two types of slogan cancel "Aukoti Vilniaus krastui ..." By A. Jankauskas (Lithuania). p.17
- Lithuanian theme in auctions. p.18
- Personal advertisements
- Different advertisements of clubs, bulletins, etc.