- News from Lithuanian Post office. p.2
- LITUANICA - Belarus cover. By R. Vainora. p.3
- Cachets of field post offices. Part II. By A. Preiksa. p.4
- Stamps with coupons. p.6
- Plate error of SC #611. p.7
- "HET BALTISHE GEBIED", December issue. p.8
- Unknown Cachets. By A. Jankauskas p.9
- Lithuanian postal stationery and its Catalogue. By J. Sajauskas p.10
- Plate errors of 40 ct stamp from "Swallow" air mail issue. By A. Jankauskas. p.12
- "Personal" stamps. p.14
- In honor of Juozas Gaucas. p.14
- Lithuanian Post Office cancels - 2000. p.17
- Lithuanian theme in auctions. p.18
- Personal advertisements. p.24
- Clubs, bulletins, etc. p.28