Lot No.
| Pav. Pic.
| Kita pusė Other side
| Trumpas aprašymas / Short description
| Detalės Details
| Stovis Quality
| Kaina Price
| 332-339-011
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No.: 332-339. Pilna serija. Nevartota, su lipdukais. No.:332-339. Complete set. Unused, hinged.
16,00 EUR |
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No.: 332-339A. Pilna serija. Nevartota, su lipdukais. Neperforuota,
No.:332-339A. Complete set. Unused, hinged. Imperforate.
16,00 EUR |
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No.: 332-339. Pilna serija. Vartota. No.:332-339A. Complete set. Used.
12,00 EUR |
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No.: 332-339. Pilna serija. Nevartota, be lipdukų. No.:332-339. Complete set. Unused, never hinged.
32,00 EUR |
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No.: 332-339. Pilna serija. Vartota, neperforuota. No.:332-339A. Complete set. Used. Imperforated.
12,00 EUR |
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No.: 332 v1. Klišės variantas v1 - "violetinis taškas ant krūtinšs". Nevartota, perforuota, be lipdukų.
No.:332 v1. Plate variety v1 - "violet spot on the breast". Mint, perforated, never hinged.
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10,00 EUR |
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No.: 333 v2. Klišės variantas v2 - "užriestas dešiniojo vieneto viršus". Nevartotas, neperforuotas, be lipdukų.
No.:333 v2. Plate variety v2 - "different top of the right "1". Mint, perforate, never hinged.
5,00 EUR |
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No.: 334 v1. Klišės variantas v1 - "baltas brūkšnys virš galvos". Nevartotas, perforuotas, be lipdukų.
No.:334 v1. Plate variety v1 - "white spot above the head". Mint, perforate, never hinged.
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5,00 EUR |
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No.: 334 v2. Klišės variantas v2 - "baltas taškas po kėde". Nevartotas, perforuotas, be lipdukų.
No.:334 v2. Plate variety v2: "white spot below the chair". Mint, perforate, never hinged.
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10,00 EUR |
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No.: 336 v1. Klišės variantas v1 - "nutraukta "I" raidė žodyje "TIES". Nevartotas, perforuotas, be lipdukų.
No.:336 v1. Plate variety v1 - "broken letter "I" in "TIES" (p.41). Mint, perforate, never hinged.
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10,00 EUR |
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No.: 337 v1. Klišės variantas v1 - „švarus“ fonas po žirgu". Nevartotas, perforuotas, be lipdukų.
No.:337 v1. Plate variety v1 - “clean” background below the horse". Mint, perforate, never hinged.
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10,00 EUR |
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No.: 338 v3. Klišės variantas v3: "platus rėmelis". Nevartotas, neperforuotas, su lipduku.
No.:338 v3. Plate variety v3: "wide frame" (p.41). Mint, imperforate, hinged.
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10,00 EUR |
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No.: 339 v1. Klišės variantas v1: "rudas taškas prie dešiniojo rėmelio". Nevartotas, perforuotas, be lipdukų.
No.:339 v1. Plate variety v1: "brown spot on the right frame". Mint, perforate, never hinged.
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10,00 EUR |