Lot No.
| Pav. Pic.
| Kita pusė Other side
| Trumpas aprašymas / Short description
| Detalės Details
| Stovis Quality
| Kaina Price
| 356-363-011
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No.: 356-363. Pilna serija. Nevartota, su lipdukais.
No.:356-363. Complete set. Unused, hinged.
16,00 EUR |
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No.: 356-363. Pilna serija. Vartota.
No.:356-363. Complete set. Used.
12,00 EUR |
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No.: 356-363. Pilna serija. Nevartota, be lipdukų.
No.:356-363. Complete set. Unused, never hinged.
25,00 EUR |
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No.: 356-363A. Pilna serija. Neperforuota, nevartota, su lipdukais.
No.:356-363A. Complete set. Imperfporate unused, hinged.
16,00 EUR |
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No.: 356-363A. Pilna serija. Nevartota, be lipdukų. Neperforuota.
No.:356-363A. Complete set. Unused, never hinged, imperforate.
25,00 EUR |
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No.: 356v1. Klišės variantas v1 - "trūksta vienos gilės". Nevartota, su lipduku.
No.:356v1. Variety v1 - "one acorn missing". Unused, hinged.
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25,00 EUR |
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No.: 359-v1. Neperforuotas. Klišės variantas v1 - "trūksta dalies skydo". Nevartota, be lipdukų.
No.:356-v1. Imperforate. Variety v1 - "part of the shield missing". Unused, never hinged.
10,00 EUR |
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No.: 363-v1. Klišės variantas v1 - "baltas taškas ant švarko". Nevartota, be lipdukų.
No.:363-v1. Variety v1 - "white spot on the jacket". Unused, never hinged.
20,00 EUR |